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Wednesday, December 13, 2006


I also have "Let's Build a Snowman" from Cannibal the Musical stuck in my head. As I have for approximately the last month. I'm beginning to think it's a permanent condition.

posted by Reen | link | ...talkety...0 comments

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This cat about sums it up.

Oh, and soy makes you gay. And not-soy apparently makes you completely fucking crazy. Hee!

posted by Reen | link | ...talkety...0 comments

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I don't really want to sleep, but I don't really want not to sleep either.


posted by Reen | link | ...talkety...0 comments

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Tuesday, December 12, 2006



Went to NYC on Thursday. Met my parents, got them ensconced in the hotel, and then went to the Four-Faced Liar for a couple of beers with Shafer, thence to Burrito Loco across the street for great guacamole and all things Mexican.

The reading went pretty well. I was the final reader, as the result of having a last name that began with "T." Thus, I got to try to control my jitters for upwards of an hour. I kept my reading short -- five poems or so from Mayport, and then ending with "Dr. Boyfriend," my one love sonnet. People seemed to like it.

Afterwards, much hobnobbing prior to returning to the hotel. Next morning, I took my parents to Barney Greengrass for bagels and pickled herring, and then on to the Natural History Museum, where we saw many, many dioramas.

Returned to DC for the office Xmas party that night. The next day Mark and I devoted to doing absolutely nothing. Then, I read for Ruthless Grip at the Pyramid Atlantic with Dan Gutstein. We had a few beers at an overly mallish excuse for an Irish bar before adjourning to The Red & the Black, a new-to-me bar and concert venue at 12th & H NE, where Mark's friends The Nice Jenkins were playing. The band's set was over by the time we got there, but we listend to some others, hung out with the guys, and I made fun of how Mark smokes. The bar was also very nice and struck me as not suffering from the veneer of either skeeziness or yuppiness that pervades many DC bars.

Blah, and now work has set in again, although Xmas is on its way. I finally finished my shopping. Go me.

posted by Reen | link | ...talkety...0 comments

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