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Friday, April 30, 2004


NaPoWriMo Number Thirty. C'est fin.

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Poem in your Pocket Day...sounds dirty. Like the poems all contain words that rhyme with "Nantucket."

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Lizzie Borden virtual magnetic poetry. You can also buy the set. Via Quiddity.

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Thursday, April 29, 2004


Dr. Zizmor Hay(na)ku

Z's light
of the laser

you beautiful
saluting your courage

epidermis as
seen on tv

Z's cranium's
like a capitol

but damn
his skin sure

good under
that giant rainbow.

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NaPoWriMo number 29. Any title ideas for my very last Calamity poem?

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In Katey's comments, people were discussing the possibility of an Aubergine chapbook. What might such a thing look like? Well, maybe like this. Or maybe not. At any rate, I just love PhotoShop. If it were human, I'd marry it.

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Wednesday, April 28, 2004


The new meme! Using "aubergine" to end a poem! Here's a silly try--(see Cahiers de Corey for background).

The aubergine libertine in his green limousine

A libertine's green limousine was lately seen in Saint Vereen. The libertine wore aubergine. In Saint Vereen they're not so keen on aubergine. The party scene in Saint Vereen is all crepe-de-chine and gabardine, beauty queens and Charlie Sheen. The libertine in aubergine moves between these beauty queens: his feet careen from scene to scene, taking in the magazines, the tall Marines, the jumping beans, the snarling face of Charlie Sheen. The libertine leaves Saint Vereen. Saint Vereen is not his scene--he likes a scene that's more serene.

Vals-en-Deen is just that scene. He sights the sheen of Vals-en-Deen. Its woods are green; are tourmaline. With carabine, he'll hunt that green, the libertine in aubergine. The birds that preen in Vals-en-Deen are not quite serene when there's been seen in their woodsy green the libertine in aubergine. His carabine for them spells "fin." But when libertines in limousines leave Vals-en-Deen for Saint Vereen, those birds that preen are quite serene.

Though the birds may vent their spleen, the libertine in aubergine suffers only improved mien when Vals-en-Deen is dimly seen from the dark windscreen of his limousine. Then, our heroic libertine, rid at last of Charlie Sheen, of magazines, of beauty queens, of crepe-de-chine and gabardine, bounces like a jumping bean, a jumping bean on too much caffeine, decked out in cloth of aubergine.

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The Thirty Second Draft Game (as in, I just wrote this in thirty seconds, approx. thirty seconds ago).

"Authenticity in Music"

When keeping it real goes wrong,
the high hats are marked with
an insoluble X, clouds wear the
pants around here, birds direct
the conversation, the oscilloscope
is raising the roof, something
in French is hurled across the room
and you'll be of it and with it,
loosed dime effects and penny
antes, swells and soft tempos
brought out from (I kid you not)
The Big Book of Negro Spirituals,
and the reason for so skeletal
a concept? Well, go back to the
website for a moment, the end
of lyricism, the ebb and the flow--
And, yeah, I feel ya. I really do.

Thanks to Dave Chapelle. Chapelle's Show rocks, and keeps people like me stoked with fresh phrases. I'm Rick James, bitch!

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Is it okay to, like, listen to the same Billy Idol song, like, a hundred times in a row? 'Cause man, I'm totally doing it.

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Anagram yourself. My best anagram: Hermosa Neutron. I can also be transformed into "Nanometer Hours" or "Enumerator Nosh" or "Mr. Neonate Ruh" or "Ensnare our Moth."

Aw, yeah. Via Cahiers de Corey.

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Have a legal poem . . .

The Judgment

Triplicate filing. Exhibit A: dry
hair scotch-taped to cardstock.
Exhibit B: a dryer sheet, still spring
fresh. Someone important goes down
or out today. Hard fist of cameramen,
knuckles flexed at the court-house door.

The witness gives a hesitant Yes
before her crooked glasses fly off into
I Don't Know. Oyez, oyez, the judge
on Line 2. Remember, counselor,
if your heart beats wads of caramel-
colored hair, there's always the pills.

And there's strength in that line of thinking,
but the Oxford English Dictionary disagrees.
Query Black's. Muscle must be strong
to carry the thrill of oral argument, of
a forty-page brief. But See the Marshal Court's
spare dismissals. They had scriveners, see.

Wrong signal, wrong signal! And how it will cost you:
Hizzoner's quite strict. "I am dying, Egypt,
dying, in a pinstriped suit." The blood pooled,
a red stanch in the artery. So congealing, his
objection took the form of hemoglobin.
To which the judge said: overruled.

posted by Reen |link| ...talkety...0 comments

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So, how do you write? On paper, on computer, in morse code? I tend to write on the computer, and discarded drafts are lost to the ether...I rarely save earlier versions, unless I know I'm working on the type of poem where I'll go back and forth over the same ground. I also have a cheap-o Marble notebook that I carry everywhere with me, and I often corral the bizarre snippets that grace its pages into service in a poem...I guess this is all just a long-winded way of asking Shanna if she actually writes poetry on her typewriters. I started off on a typewriter, but since have been lulled by the soft world of computer keyboards. I fear my fingers are no longer strong enough to punch out a sentence on an Underwood.

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NaPoWriMo numbers twenty-seven and twenty-eight. Only two more to go. Huzzah!

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Monday, April 26, 2004


NaPoWriMo number twenty-six.

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Sent off an ms of "Novelty Act" to some people who publish chapbooky things. Fat chance, but at least I'm trying.

Gotta say though, that even after the poems have had a month to cool, I still like 'em. Although, I wonder if they're avanty or progressivy or whatevery enough for the press I sent them to. Plus . . . at PoTelCom, Aaron complained that he got some poems sent back with the message, "Pretty good, except for the ta-da endings." I'm afraid that mine don't ta-da. They're way beyond ta-da. They have their own telegraph service, and a gong at the end. WE'RE DONNNNNNNNNNE.

Alack. What can I say? I value finality.

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A theory was proposed on Saturday night that there are only two types of people in the world -- "Cure" people and "Smiths" people. Everyone there appeared to be a "Cure" person--except me! Shamed, I held back my affiliation lest I be taunted by my peer group. Since then, however, I have idenitifed other "Smiths" folk. So beware, "Cure" people! When the musical post-punk quasi-gothy apocalypse rolls around, we're comin' for ya.

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Contemplating making a t-shirt that reads:

"The Emperor of Ice Cream is My President."

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Sunday, April 25, 2004


You should go to Shanna's and read all about PoTelCom. It rocked. Mike and Stephanie have posts about it from the perspective of callers. But I was right there in the living room, baby! Eating gazpacho and listening to poetry. Hooyah!

posted by Reen |link| ...talkety...0 comments

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NaPoWriMo numbers twenty-four and twenty-five. We're hitting the home stretch. I printed out all the Calamity poems I have so far, and they run to forty-eight pages. Dang.

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