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Friday, May 28, 2004


To all those who have ordered Novelties...your copies are winging their way to you via U.S. mail. Enjoy!

posted by Reen |link| ...talkety...0 comments

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Thursday, May 27, 2004


Today's poems are brought to you by swearing! Swearing--does each curse word betray a lack of imagination, or are their solid syllables a bracing antidote to circumlocution? You be the judge!

Charm Offensive

Let's cut the crap, Johnny Polite.
Brass tacks and who's got
The big brass cojones is all
I give a flying fuck for, and
All your would yous and might
Is give me an itch for whoopass.
Son, all that sweet-talk is shit,
So talk horse-sense or shuddup
My ears weren't meant to hear
Nothing but truth and if it ain't
Brutal, I can be assured, you're
Lying through your lily-white teeth.


They weren't
even their guns,
just dark-ribboned
hats, pinstripes,
disappeared pasts
(no gunsel was ever
anyone's son)
and a habit of
silence that was
more intense than
speech -- soundless,
they ducked in
and out the edges
of the scene,
glowering, with
the certainty of
their recorded
demise (a slump
against a wall,
hand moving
from breast
pocket to face,
wet with new
blood) recalling
those extremely
successful and
ancient fertility
rituals that
involved walking
out into the
spring rain and
fucking anyone you
happened to meet.

posted by Reen |link| ...talkety...0 comments

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Wednesday, May 26, 2004


Added a little page for Novelty Act. You can click on the cover thumbnail to the right and be whisked to the most low-key pice of html I've coded in a long time. I'm going for substance over style, for once. Plus, the whole thing is in blinding white-on-red text. Mua-ha-ha! You must suffer for your knowledge, gentle reader!

posted by Reen |link| ...talkety...0 comments

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Acceptance Paso Doble

Oh hooray poetry editors
for loving me, ole!
I shall write the poems
and you shall have them
Caramba, ay ay ay!

(repeat ad nauseum)

posted by Reen |link| ...talkety...0 comments

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Tuesday, May 25, 2004


Added a little Paypal button for Novelty Act and a wee version of the cover. I'll probably make a separate webpage for the chapbook, too, a la Shanna 'n' Shafer, if just to let people in on the whole story behind the book. Go, quasi-translations, go!

posted by Reen |link| ...talkety...0 comments

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Alack. I have nothing momentous or important to say. Questions of poetic labelling, movements, etc., move me not. I have achieved zen. Er. Or something.

posted by Reen |link| ...talkety...0 comments

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I'm seriously beginning to think I write poems mainly as a way of cracking myself up. All my poems make me laugh. Of course, I did just write one involving the phrase/word/linguistic construct: www.myboyfriendisahotscientistwithabeard.com.


posted by Reen |link| ...talkety...0 comments

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Monday, May 24, 2004


Dan Nester posts a photographic reminiscence of Saturday's bar crawl, in which you can see Barney the Dinosaur wearing my hat.

posted by Reen |link| ...talkety...0 comments

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Things were read over the weekend, and people listened. Drinks were obtained, and people drank them. I wrote a lot of poetry, some of it in Spanish. I'm starting pre-production for Novelty Act; if I can get a couple sticky poems turned out, I should be binding the things by the end of the week.

Having gone to probably thirty to forty poetry readings over the last few months, I am beginning to think there should be a Poetry Reading Primer. The first rule: you must keep the listener awake! The enemy of the reader is the venue: places where poetry is read tend to be dark and sudsy. They are places in which a lengthy, NPR-esque recital in your quiet hush-hush voice will undoubtedly lull the listener into a doze. Especially as you can be sure that most of the people in attendance at any poetry reading were out until all hours the previous night, drinking as much alcohol as their wee, poety frames could bear, and honestly ought to be in bed. You must give them a reason to return to this world. Yelling "Sex!" loudly in the middle of something usually does the trick.

In other news, I finally got Shanna and Shafer's new collaboration, "Big Confetti." I also got Kasey Mohammad's "Deer Head Nation," but I bought it at Barnes & Nobles, so any subversive street cred I might have gotten for buying the book has been totally wiped out by the corporate source I used. Alack.

posted by Reen |link| ...talkety...0 comments

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